
United Kingdom
Female, Relationship Single
Joined 4-10-2011, Active Yes

Free member














  Looking for

Men, Women


Hair length Unspecified
Hair color Unspecified
Eye color Unspecified
Glasses Unspecified
Tattoos Unspecified
Piercings Unspecified
Cup size Unspecified
Implants Unspecified
Pubic hair Unspecified

  I like

Sex with men
Sex with women

  I dislike

Camera allowed


My profile avatar is a representation of my own personal constraints rather than my sexual pleasure (read between the lines)
Married with 2 grown-up girls that have yet to fly the nest. In a sexless marriage due to 'circumstances' that I or may not be inclined to explain in more detail. Using this site to explore my lesbian curiosity (fantasy) through videos and chat without hubby's knowledge. More inclined to accept requests and chat with ladies of any age rather than men of predictable persuasion. A curious and dirty mind, a vivid imagination and happy for any role play on line.

M. x


Sex, what else?

Comments (158)

giancarlo wrote 7 months ago

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm very excited mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

giancarlo wrote 11 months ago

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I want play with you Mmmmmmmmm sexy play mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

last_man333 wrote 1 year ago

When we can see your pics

english_rose > last_man333 wrote 1 year ago

Not when but if....but that is not a given

DarkmoonX > english_rose wrote 11 months ago

;-).........A Dom is only as good as his sub

Marga-Kow > DarkmoonX wrote 11 months ago

thats right

pussyfooting2 wrote 1 year ago

be dirty with me

english_rose > pussyfooting2 wrote 1 year ago

Or you both.

pussyfooting2 > english_rose wrote 1 year ago

why not

pussyfooting2 wrote 1 year ago

nice to see you

english_rose > pussyfooting2 wrote 1 year ago

Thank you

english_rose > pussyfooting2 wrote 1 year ago

To reply in the immortal words of the wonderful but sadly late Sir Bruce Forsyth "...to see you nice", though what you wish to see of me is a question unanswered

wet_wipe wrote 1 year ago

mmm I would

english_rose > wet_wipe wrote 1 year ago

Would what?

Holli49 wrote 1 year ago

Thank you for your comment, let yourself be seduced by sensuality and enjoy the pleasure that dances on your skin

english_rose > Holli49 wrote 1 year ago

You are welcome, I will

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