
porno mag mitmache

Female, Relationship Married
Joined 20-7-2011, Active Hardly

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Pubic hair Unspecified


i am kurdish coming from turkey, i am 22 year, 169cm,52 kg, brown eyes, black hair, little titts, no hair on cunt, cunt is allways wet, i like dom people i am room maid in hotel in berlin, i am married my husband is 66 year, he degrade me evry day, but fuck me only 1-2 time a week, i neeed evry day, at home i must be naked, outside i wear muslimcloth but no underwaer, at the hotel i wear uniform also no underwear, my email

kurdin bin,ich 22 jare, 169cm, 53 kg, braun auge,shwarz haar, c titte, nix haar an fotz und fotz imer nas , eng arsch, dominantes menner vil ich mag,drause anhab kurdisch kleid un kopftuch zu haus nakt and arbeit uniform hab an, ich arbeit hotel berlin , zmmermädche bin un du ,ich abe heiratet bin mann darf nix weis er shon 66 jar is er nur 1-2x woche mich ficke ich ales tag mag er nur ales tag mich ernidrige mache, un du meines email

Comments (67)

PainkillerBO wrote 10 years ago

Fakes ... gratuliere ich nicht ... zum Geburtstag! *sfg

Andy55fs wrote 10 years ago

Alles Gute und Geile zum Geburtstag!!!

pierre69 wrote 10 years ago

is klar

aishadevot wrote 11 years ago

ich porn mag mitmache

peter_horny wrote 11 years ago

HAAHAA... what a LAME fake

Bestieger01 wrote 11 years ago

Dann biste bei mir genau richtig. Suche was junges, peverses zum Gebrauchen ohne wenn und aber.

GG Dieter

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