
Male, Relationship Married
Joined 9-10-2012, Active Occasionally

Free member















Hair length Unspecified
Hair color Unspecified
Eye color Unspecified
Glasses Unspecified
Tattoos Unspecified
Piercings Unspecified
Beard Unspecified
Mustache Unspecified
Pubic hair Unspecified
Chest hair Unspecified
Penis size Unspecified
Circumcised Unspecified

Comments (4)

Squirts4fun wrote 4 years ago

Please post some videos and/or pictures, and I'll consider your friend request.

Mardoge wrote 6 years ago

Demande d'amis
Hello Tmlj22222. Je suis bisexuel – bitophile. J’adore jouer avec une belle bite, la voir, la toucher, la sucer, se la pénétrer, la lubrification de la rondelle avec une langue gourmande, avant l’entrée d’un bel engin. L’éjaculation interne ne m’effraie pas du tout. Mais se délecté d’un nectar de bite c’est super…
Il ne faut pas aussi oublier la réciprocité pour le partenaire de tout cela.
Bonnes rencontres. Gerhard

jaxslutluver wrote 8 years ago

You sir, deleted my previous message (s), wherein I told you to post something worthwhile and try me again.
Let me tell you why this is annoying.
I try to answer all friend request & post comments. It is very time consuming. I don't like blocking people. It is just distasteful to me.
But when people like you are dishonest & try to trick me by deleting my previous post to you, I block you on principal for being exactly what you are, ..... a dishonest person.
I am sure this too will be deleted, but I will never know. You are now blocked.

vrpcoquin59 wrote 9 years ago

bonjour, j'attends une présentation ,
merci .

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